7 Figure Blueprint & Beyond


Unleash Business Freedom

This Business Masterclass Reveals...

How Business Owners Can Scale from

5 Figures per Month to 7 Figures per Year (& more)

Without Putting Any More Time into Their Business

How Business Owners Can Scale from

5 Figures per Month to

7 Figures per Year (& more)

Without Putting Any More Time

into Their Business

Even if They Have Spent Thousands of Dollars on Marketing Campaigns or Sales Strategies and NOTHING has Changed!

If You Do Not Commit to, and Actually Put Time Into YELLOW TIME... Who Else Will?

If You Do Not Commit to, and Actually Put Time Into YELLOW TIME... Who Else Will?

Watch this video to learn what Yellow Time is.....

This Is The Masterclass

That You Have Been Waiting For To

Break Through That Elusive $1mill+ Goal,

or to Scale From it!!

(If you are already there)

If you’re a Business Owner of any Industry who’s seen a shift in today’s marketplace from staff that are hard to find, let alone keep… from marketing that you find is no longer effective… to workflow that gets stalled with productivity & quality issues… and with profits that are constantly being squeezed by spiraling costs… then you’re not alone!

These LIVE sessions are packed with all the key information that you'll need to scale your business... and transform you as the Business Owner

The Sessions are held in the afternoons

across 2 days

Session 1: Tuesday, 15th October 2024

Session 2: Wednesday, 16th October 2024

Both at 3.30pm - 5.30pm AEST.

The Sessions are held in the afternoons

across 2 days

Session 1: Tuesday, 15th October 2024

Session 2: Wednesday, 16th October 2024

Both at 3.30pm - 5.30pm AEST.

The Masterclass will be 100% LIVE via zoom with Chris Beard for 90-120 minutes both days



We know from experience that every Business is faced with very similar circumstances on the journey to 7 figures and beyond...

How many of these sound familiar to you?

We know from experience that every Business is faced with very similar circumstances on the journey to 7 figures and beyond...

How many of these sound familiar to you?

  • Assuming our larger customers are our best customers

  • Over-servicing customers at the expense of time or range

  • Don't know if we are winning or losing on a daily basis

  • Cost increases being absorbed for fear of increasing sell prices

  • Not having clarity as to where money is made or lost

  • Challenged with attracting and retaining the right team

  • Low confidence in my ability to grow & lead my business

  • You have lost sight of your 'why'

The aboslute impact of Yellow Time ...

If some of these are the reality for you in your Business, then you’re not alone.

The way forward is well established by people who have been in the exact same place as you are right now reading this. But... by following the path identified in the Blueprint Sessions, have navigated their way out of it and found a completely

new business experience on the other side of it...

There are 2 sessions to this 7 Figure Blueprint Masterclass over 2 days, with each session being 90 minutes, that will take you through the exact steps that every successful Business Owner can take to scale to, or surpass 7 Figures!

There are 2 sessions to this 7 Figure Blueprint Masterclass over 2 days, with each session being 90 minutes, that will take you through the exact steps that every successful Business Owner can take to scale to, or surpass 7 Figures!

Business Success Profile (Day 1)

  • Your business is a reflection of you. All of it... Good and the Bad

  • Explore how to position yourself at your best

  • Unleashing the BEST from yourself, your team and your business

  • Create your plan to execute these new found insights.

Business Blueprint Masterclass (Day 2)

  • Health Check the REAL performance of your business, not the one we tell our family and peers.

  • Identify where money & time are both made AND lost in your business

  • Learn the 9 key pillars of your business & which are the biggest opportunities for your specific business

  • Create your plan with the TOP 3 focuses to execute

Comments from other Business Owners

Here's what Business Owners are saying about working with Chris...

There is a lot to pack in.

But MORE Opportunities to take out!

That's why we do this in 2 consecutive session over the course of 2 days....

It's 90 mins at the same time on both days.

If what you've read so far has connected with your situation,

then grab your seat and join us.





Having owned & operated both his own Manufacturing Businesses and other private sector businesses, Chris has lived the process he now teaches

Having owned & operated both his own Manufacturing Businesses and other private sector businesses, Chris has lived the process he now teaches

All the methods he used to systemise and then scale his business were learned both from extensive training and “on the tools” as Owner within his businesses, along with heading up many Private Sector business.

His approach to Margins as the foundation of everything to do with creating a profitable business has proven time and time again that there are significant profits to be found looking within... before you invest another dollar in advertising. You just need to know where to look.

But it is 100% not just Margins... Finding high-end clients, crafting compelling marketing and sales processes along with developing recruitment and systems as he built his team, were learnt on the job.

This is why his training is super-practical and instantly able to be put into practice. He has taken his personal journey to becoming a financially successful Business Owner…

Today his drive and passion is in assisting other Business Owners to do the same.

All the methods he used to systemise and then scale his business were learned both from extensive training and “on the tools” as Owner within his businesses, along with heading up many Private Sector business.

His approach to Margins as the foundation of everything to do with creating a profitable business has proven time and time again that there are significant profits to be found looking within... before you invest another dollar in advertising. You just need to know where to look.

But it is 100% not just Margins... Finding high-end clients, crafting compelling marketing and sales processes along with developing recruitment and systems as he built his team, were learnt on the job.

This is why his training is super-practical and instantly able to be put into practice. He has taken his personal journey to becoming a financially successful Business Owner…

Today his drive and passion is in assisting other Business Owners to do the same.

FAQ's... The Questions I get Asked All The Time About These Sessions...

FAQ's... The Questions I get Asked All The Time About These Sessions...

Why is it free?

This is the number 1 question that I get asked. The answer is, because I am here to make an impact on Business Owners lives. This impact will always come back in some form down the track. Today is about you.

Will I be trapped in a Sales Pitch at the end of the session?

The simple answer is NO! I will share some potential next steps and what it would look like if we worked together. But only if you want to learn what it looks like.

How do I find the time to attend when I am so busy?

Let me ask you... what happens if you do not make the time? What changes? If this workshop even just slightly resonates with you, then I 100% recomend that you make the time.

My business is different, how do you cater for that?

Everyone's Business is different. We sell different things, or provide different services.... but, I can assure you that this workshop will have an impact on every style of Business as the challenges are ultimately connected.

Do I need to be good at numbers to attend this session?

No you do not need to be 'good at numbers', but we will uncover the impact of knowing your numbers.

I have tried many seminars before and I am still where I am. What makes this different?

To put it simply, you with have an actionable plan that is tailored to your business that will generate results.... and unlike many of these other types of seminars, this is live and 100% me.

Do I need to attend both sessions?

Should you attend both, I would say yes. Do you need to attend both, well this is up to you and the priority that you put on both yourself and your business. If you want me to tell you waht to do, then yes attend both sessions :)

Will I feel out of place, or singled out if my Business is not doing very well?

Absolutely not! This environment is for Business Owners to come together, in a safe space, and work on their business, and listen to others who want to share wins or challenges.

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